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Get Your White Card in NSW ONLINE! From Just $43.90! Faster and Easier.

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White Card Online Benefits for NSW

Getting your White Card in NSW is now simple and fast ONLINE because of our trusted and respected official RTO course. It takes the hassle out of getting a White Card for you, with a simple step-by-step process and our friendly and professional support call centre is ready to provide assistance should you need it.

You may have heard that the NSW WorkCover White Card is not available online and this is correct, as the NSW White Cards are only offered through expensive face-to-face classes.

But due to National recognition legislation, NSW worksites have to recognise White Cards legitimately issued from other States. In our case, we issue you a WA White Card and these are now accepted by WorkCover NSW, and NSW worksites.

The #1 Trusted Choice in NSW For Convenience & Value

We are one of Australia’s leading Registered Training Providers (RTO’s) in this field, having delivered well over 80,000 Cards.  Literally thousands of people in NSW have chosen our White Card course.

Summary of White Card Course Information

White Card course tablet and mobile compatibleDevice Compatibility:  This course is compatible with desktop
computers (screen resolution of at least 1024×768), iPad, iPad Mini, iPhone, Android Tablets and Android phones. However please note the course is best viewed on devices that have larger screens than smartphones (see Computer requirements below).

Course Literacy Requirements: Students will need to have sound English language (both written and verbal), literacy and numeracy skills in order to complete the course and assessments.

Computer Requirements: For your online course you will need to have a good internet connection, speakers or headphones so you can hear sound and a printer to print your Statement of Attainment and Declaration. The supported browsers include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer 9+, although IE is not recommended, see below.

Your browser MUST BE UP TO DATE with the latest version otherwise you may experience problems. As mentioned previously, We STRONGLY recommend that you DO NOT use the Internet Explorer (IE) browser. We suggest you use the latest versions of either Chrome or Firefox. It’s easy to test your browser version: Click here for more info.

Your device will need speakers or a headphone/earpiece as our course uses voiceovers to talk you through the content.

Our online course uses the latest technology to provide students with a user-friendly experience, even those with limited understanding of computers usually find our course quick and easy to complete. Our friendly call centre staff are just a phone call away if you do need assistance during business hours.

If you’re in NSW and you need to get your White Card the quickest, most economical and easiest way, click here to learn more about the course!

Get ready to work in the Construction Industry


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Next State is Queensland: How to get a White Card – QLD

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Our RTO has delivered over 100,000 White Cards

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